Thursday, September 23, 2010

Missed Trains and Destinations

Minutes before boarding, the time is almost here.
To many belongings, and just to much baggage I fear.
I fumble through what I felt I needed most. So much stuff; where am I going?
Was it to see the sunset on the coast?
So confused, rather dazed; the final whistle is blowing, and I'm in a complete haze.
Hands on my head, pulling out my hair.
I'm going crazy, am I already there?
The conductor yells:"All Aboard!!". So many people trample forward, ready to go and belongings and fully adorned.
Yet here I am, alone with my packed bags.
No destination, only baggage claim tags.
What do I do?! The train starts to leave.
Everyone has gone, except my grief and me.
I fall to the ground amidst all my belongings.
All I have is heavy emotions and mismatched longings.
Just when I thought that I had been left behind.
A hand reaches down and a voice says it's all fine.
The train you were wanting was going east. It wasn't quite right for you
not to say the least.
I'll wait with you here, for the next train to arrive.
We can talk for a while and you can rest and revive.
Take comfort in my words, for my presence is near.
Now hold my hand, and let me wipe that tear.
Stand up now, and leave your bags here, you won't need them you'll see.
Don't be anxious about them, there's no fee.
Here it comes now, this train is the best!
It is not going east, this one is going west.
"All Aboard"

This is first and foremost for my beloved partner in life and then to all others
who may have thought that they had missed the train.
Jesus calls out to each of us to lay down what ever baggage we have and to come and rest in his embrace. After all, He is the Savior and the G-d of second chances.
Come now, for today is the day of salvation.


  1. wow... that's beautiful! VERY captivating! Thanks for sharing it! Is that some of your art work? Is it of any place in particular?

  2. That touched me to the very core of my beautiful and honest. I am eternally grateful that those second (maybe they'd be called third and fourth)chances can never be used up!

  3. Praise Him for second chances and for helping us find His train rather than the ones we think we want.
